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Android Emulator with Google Play Store

  1. Download and extract the Android SDK.
  2. Connect your physical Android phone via USB.
  3. Download apk files. Note that Phonesky.apk may be called Vending.apk on older phones.
    $ for file in GoogleLoginService.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk Phonesky.apk; do sdk/platform-tools/adb pull /system/app/$file; done
  4. Unplug your Android phone. This prevents error: more than one device and emulator when copying the apk files.
  5. Start the emulator, replacing <avd> with the name of your avd.
    $ sdk/tools/emulator -avd <avd> -partition-size 384 &
  6. Copy apk files (after emulator starts).
    $ sdk/platform-tools/adb remount && for file in GoogleLoginService.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk Phonesky.apk; do sdk/platform-tools/adb push $file /system/app; done
  7. Open the Play app and log in with a Google account.

I used apk files from a Galaxy Nexus running 4.2.1 Jelly Bean and Google Play Store version 4.1.10. My avd is Android 4.2.2 – API Level 17 Intel Atom (x86).
Android AVD Settings